I woke up a little early and went to Karatsu with my client of 10 years. We stopped by Ryutagama before having dinner with the chairman and his wife of Yoyokaku, who have been very kind to us. While I was chatting with Mr. and Mrs. Taki Nakazato, a potter, in their studio, Mr. Takashi Nakazato arrived.
He told me that he has been in Karatsu for a long time this year, although he usually travels overseas. And he usually has been able to concentrate on making things in a limited amount of time because of his busy schedule.“This year, I’ve had more time than usual, but that doesn’t mean I’ve been able to focus on creating, and I’ve lost my rhythm. I’ve lost my rhythm,” said Mr. Takashi.
“There are a lot of bowls in the Japanese dining scene, and because of the Japanese custom and culture of putting one’s mouth on a bowl, I was able to keep thinking about how to make the palatable. It must have been a very happy thing for me.” These words, full of love for the region where he was born and raised, got to the root of his creativity.