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  3. Craft Inn 手 [té]
  4. 場の痕跡が漉き込まれた和紙






photo ©️ Koichiro Fujimoto

photograph by Koichiro Fujimoto





名尾手すき和紙の眼前に広がる梶の木(和紙の原料)の畑, 300年受け継がれてきた畑, これがなくなると和紙は作れなくなる/昔はたくさんあった和紙工房も今では1件のみ, 長い年月を経て淘汰が進み, この集落の全ての道具や技術が名尾手漉き和紙に集まる. 今でも梶の木の収穫の時期になると, 集落の住民が手伝うという/その地に暮らす人々によって守られた風景.



名尾手漉き和紙の7代目谷口弦さんを訪れたのは, 還魂紙(かんこんし)をコンセプトにしたアートコレクティブ「KMNR™」の活動に興味を持ったからだ. これはその作品のひとつ. /昔は手間のかかる紙は貴重品であった. そのため, 使い古しの紙を細かくバラバラにした後, 一旦水に晒して液状にし, それを再び漉き直した「漉き返し」が行われていた. その中でも, 誰かの書いた文字の墨の色がうっすらと残る紙は「還魂紙(かんこんし)」とも呼ばれていた./そもそも「和紙」というものには明確な定義が存在しない. 明治期になり西洋から輸入されるようになった紙が「西洋紙」と呼ばれ, それと区別するために国内で生産された紙は「和紙」と呼ばれるようになった./その明確な定義のないものを受け継ぐことになった谷口弦さんが, その存在の意味を問うために始めた活動が, この現代版の還魂紙である.
Craft Inn 手 [té]のデザインを進めるにあたり, 元々ここにあった襖戸のオモテ紙を剥いでみると, そこには江戸時代後期の建築当初に手描きで絵付けされた襖紙が現れた.
その内部には, 断熱のために不要になった手書きの帳簿紙が詰まっていた. 紙が貴重品だった時代の先人の知恵.
旧塚本家主屋/この現場で発見した当時の手技の痕跡を, 新たなテクスチャとしてインテリアに再編する.
建築家として伝統的町並みの保存の尽力する中島さんにも現地を確認いただく. 間違いなく江戸時代の紙であることを確認でき, 表情が綻ぶ.
和紙を漉く際に転写される竹ひごの痕跡から, 当時の道具や職人の技術を知ることができる.
旧丸林家土蔵/長年気候にさらされて風化した土壁を撤去, 再生する.


大切に回収した角頭の釘, 明治期になり丸頭の西洋釘が輸入される前から存在した, 時代の痕跡.






Vestige Washi Paper / The Vestiges of a Former Place, Pressed into Washi Paper

Nao Tesuki Washi is a factory that has been operating for over three hundred years in the Yamato district of Saga City, Japan. The shop is engaged in the entire process of making traditional Japanese paper by hand, from the material sourcing of mulberry tree fibers to its eventual pressing into sheets of paper. Today, Nao Tesuki Washi is the only such shop remaining. The Taniguchi family, who own and run the shop, carry on the legacy of these techniques.

For this project, we took materials from before the renovation—old paper from the sliding doors and ropes that were used to tie together the bamboo framework inside the walls, and pressed these materials into a new paper. Then we was used this new paper for the shoji panels and the lantern at the entrance.

Pressed into that paper, are the vestiges of a former place.

In recent years, Ken Taniguchi, seventh generation in this long line of washi paper makers, has committed himself to a process in which decades-old paper is pulverized into a new composite. He’s recycling it, or as they say, he’s reviving it. That’s the thought process that informed our approach.

Kankonshi was a means of recycling used paper in an age when it was a precious commodity. In those times, getting the materials for making paper took a lot of time and effort. It’s a process wherein old, used paper gets crushed into fine bits, which are then soaked into a pulp and repressed into new paper. Literally put, it’s paper whose soul has been restored.

Taniguchi, inspired by this unique culture of Japanese paper recycling, has spent the past years trying to figure out how washi might be made by mixing in materials with a story to tell. In his mind, kankonshi goes beyond mere paper into something more symbolic. “Modern day kankonshi,” Taniguchi said, “is about making a new place that inherits the memories of a former place.”

Back before the renovation, the space still had its old paper doors. The doors were stuffed with paper that was sprinkled in these quaint scribblings, likely as a makeshift insulation. We took those scraps—including account books from when the place operated as a shop selling dish-wares—and used them for the paper in the lanterns and shoji panels.

That old paper, so reminiscent of the beauty and elegance of that old life, was pressed over and over into new washi. It has a depth to it, its history speckled against the transparency of the shoji panels. When the light shines through, a beautiful scene materializes before you. It’s like gazing into a paper night sky.

The exposed earth of the Marubayashi House’s inner walls give it some beautiful texture. As does the straw rope once so carefully woven to support its walls.There is washi in this room that has been pressed together with the fine pulp of the old ropes we untethered to rebuild its walls. Those ropes, having long supported these walls, have been given a new life. Now they live in the base of the bookshelf, the art framed on the wall, and the paper of the lantern hanging outside, which welcomes guests with its gentle light.